Florida Sea Grant Extension in Collier County

Welcome to the Collier County Sea Grant Extension Blog

This blog is an opportunity for me to share with you my extension outreach efforts and useful information to make you a more informed coastal citizen. If you have any questions about what you see, feel free to contact me at fluech@ufl.edu.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Recording: Florida's Oyster Industry Webinar

Did you know that Apalachicola Bay produced 90% of Florida's oysters and 10% of the nation's supply? Want to know more?
Today my colleagues and I held the final session of our Florida Seafood Safety and Sustainability Brown Bag Webinar Series, and the topic of course was Florida's oyster industry. The goals of the presentation were to:
1) Increase participants' knowledge of basic oyster biology/ecology,
2) enhance participants' understanding of how Florida oysters are harvested, managed, and processed,
3) Make participants more informed consumer about the product safety measures for oysters.

To download the recording of the webinar click here.
(You might get a message that blocks you from downloading the webinar; you will need to click on "allow" to let your computer download the presentation)

If you have never used Elluminate, please click here  and scroll down to the "Eluminate Live" section to make sure you computer is compatible with the webinar software.

We want to know what you think! To help us improve future webinars, we would greatly appreciate your input by completing a short online evaluation about the presentation. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N9Z6225

Recordings of Past Webinars If you would like to watch a recording of past webinar sessions in our Florida Seafood Sustainability and Safety Brown Bag Webinar Series click HERE.