Friday, October 29, 2010

Hodges University Seafood Course a Success

Students enjoy sampling local seafood as I play a game
with them called "Who's Smarter than a Stone Crab?" The
purpose of the activity was to teach them about Florida's
Stone Crab fishery
Yesterday I finished up teaching a 3-part class on seafood safety and sustainability for Hodges University's Center for Lifelong Learning Program. Fourteen people attended the course. I delivered several presentations relating to seafood including:
  • Gulf Seafood Safety in light of the Oil Spill
  • Balancing the Health Benefits and Risks of Seafood
  • Seafood Supply and Demand and Sustainability Issues
  • Proper Seafood Handling for the Consumer
  • Florida's Stone Crab Fishery
Participants received plenty of handouts relating to these topics, and also had the opportunity to sample examples of seafood from South Florida including stone crab, blue crab, and pink shrimp. Captain Kirk's Seafood in Naples gave me a discounted price so that I could provide my students with the samples. Needless to say, the seafood was a huge hit! Several of the participants had never tried stone or blue crabs. Initial responses from the participants have been overly positive. As a result of the feedback, I plan to teach a similar class this winter. Keep a look out for announcements!

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