Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Water Quality Testing on a Cold Day!

Yesterday I began assisting Collier County's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Department with their coastal water quality sampling. I'm not going to lie, it was nice to get out on the water, but it was COLD!!!!
I went out with Pamela Keyes, who is among many other things, the County's artificial reef coordinator. We took measurements at various spots within the Cocohatchee estuary system in the northern part of the county. While Pam collected water samples (to be analyzed back at a lab for various parameters such as nitrates and fecal coliform) I used a YSI probe to collect information about water temperature, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH. I also used a good ol' secchi disk to measure water clarity.
I've agreed to help CZM do sampling once a month. Its a good chance for me to see parts of the county I don't normally get to see and learn new skills. In addition, it allows me to better educate others about water quality issues in the County and explain what kind of data the county is collecting and why they're doing it.
On the flip side, CZM, like many county departments are being asked to do more with less these days due to budget cuts. By training me on sampling protocols, it provides their department with an extra person who can do water quality testing and saves them money by not having to hire extra help. Its a win-win situation.

This is the YSI probe I used to collect data about water conditions

I know its hard to see, but the water temp reads 12.08 degrees C. (approximately 54 degree F).

One of the sampling sites Near Vanderbilt Beach

A very bundled up Pamela collecting water samples from a canal we traveled to

me using a secchi disk to measure water clarity

A beautiful, but COLD day near Wiggins Pass

1 comment:

  1. Water quality testing is very important, especially when you are starting a fish pond or filter. This is the time when the bacteria in the biological filter is trying to grow and establish itself and ammonia, nitrite will be present in the initial stage of nitrogen cycle.
