Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FishFAQ.. How much do you know about fish?

If there is anything I have learned as a marine extension educator it is the more I know about our coastal and marine world, the more I realize there is so much more that I need to learn! I wanted to share with you a great resource from NOAA Fisheries called FishFAQ..."A bouillabaisse of fascinating facts about fish (and other marine life)"

This site provides the answers to a wide variety of frequently asked questions relating to fish and other life from our oceans. As mentioned in the website, "The National Marine Fisheries Service (Now NOAA Fisheries Service) annually answers thousands of questions about the oceans and the life that thrives within them. On the basis of a canvass of experienced marine scientists in the Fisheries Service done in 1973 more than a hundred questions have been chosen as most representative. These are the Most Frequently Asked Questions containing some fascinating facts about fish"


What is the world's largest fish? The smallest?
The largest is the whale shark, which grows to more than 50 feet in length and may weigh several tons; second largest is the basking shark, which may measure 35 to 40 feet long. The smallest fish is the tiny goby, an inhabitant of fresh-to-brackish-water lakes in Luzon, Philippines. It seldom is longer than a half inch at adulthood, yet is so abundant it supports a fishery.

Can fish distinguish color?
Most fish are colorblind, despite the opinion of many sportfishermen. Fish can see color shadings, reflected light, shape, and movement, which probably accounts for the acceptance or rejection of artificial lures used by fishermen.

What are the commercially important shrimp on the east coast of the United States, and what are their ranges?
Three shrimp species are of primary commercial importance: Pink shrimp from Chesapeake Bay through the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies to Brazil; white shrimp from Fire Island, New York, to Cape Kennedy, Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico from Pensacola, Florida, to Campeche, Mexico, in Cuba and Jamaica; brown shrimp from Massachusetts down the east coast through the Gulf of Mexico, and the West Indies to Uruguay.

I encourage you to check out the website to test your "smarts" about fish and other ocean life! You might just learn a thing or two!
