Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gulf Gag Grouper Season opens Friday!

Starting tomorrow (September 16th, 2011) Gulf recreational fishermen will get their chance to bring home gag grouper for the next two months after being closed since June. Based on updated stock assessment data, the interim gag grouper management rule established a 2011 recreational season from September 16 through November 15. The current bag limit of two gag within the four fish aggregate grouper bag limit and the minimum size of 22-inches total length will still be in effect during the two-month open season.
This interim rule was implemented earlier in the year while long-term management options were being developed. These measures are being implemented because the latest stock assessment indicates that gag grouper in the Gulf of Mexico are overfished and undergoing overfishing. Under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, regional management councils must take immediate action to halt overfishing and rebuild affected stocks when these stocks are identified.
To learn more about the interim gag grouper rules visit: